November 5, 2015
TFW no Uber in Allodia
All $2+ Patrons can get the funded wallpaper from last month here! There are a variety of sizes ready to go if you want :]
For $5+ guys I also put up the .psd file, which is set up very similar to how I color my pages for people who care about that stuff. Since we’re getting close to the holidays, I’m also listing some new commission slots (gasp). I did a lot of commissions last month (and the month before) that I haven’t shared yet so those will be posted for everyone to see soon as well.
Today’s bonus art: I’m feeling nostalgic, so the first drawing of Angora and Pinter I ever made (circa 1996)
Lovely page, I was waiting for Pinter to break down like this! Nicely handled.
On the note of your health, and I know you’re not looking for advice, but I would recommend a trial of Chiropractic care. I don’t know what you may be stricken with, but miracles happen so often with chiropractic it is always worth a trial of care regardless of your condition.
You do absolutely beautiful work, and I deeply enjoy every update.
I’d advise against the chiropractic care. Too many practitioners claim it cures more than it should. Best to stick with a licensed GP if you can.
“I just can’t… do… you ?”
Now I’m curious why he can’t come back over there.
Probably because Dagree killed all people there, as told in page 29 of chapter 1.
Wonderful expressions, as usual. And Pinter’s little breakdown is well executed.
…I wonder if the reason they can’t go back to the mission is related to Mocheril’s battle with Dagre, as recalled by Angora in Chapter 1.
hmMMMM I see them leaves movin in the background… watch out Pinter !
Can I say that your work is so inspiring? Every time MI or TM update, I feel like to start something, at least a tenth as beautiful, enjoyable and professional as your work (but obviously I lack every kind of skills required in both storytelling and drawing, so it’s basically something that’s never going to happen ahah)(also, sorry for my crappy english, I’m Italian and I haven’t practiced my writing for ages)
But I have a question: being a non-english reader, I’m having a hard time reading names of places and people. So I’d like to know somehow their correct pronunciation by someone that’s native speaker (but if you don’t feel like just nevermind, I’ll survive anyway ahah)
If you comment with the name you’d like to know the pronunciation for, I can try and help you out :]
Well I can do some of the more common ones I guess XD
Angora- same as the animal/ fur
Pinter- rhymes with “winter”
Etan- phonetically “eh tawn”
Tanome- phonetically “tan no may”
Citeran- sounds like “sitter ran”
Allodia- phonetically “aloe dee ah”
Mocheril- is based on a Slovenian word, so I actually have no idea, haha. I say it phonetically for English.
I guess that’s the big ones for this chapter/ arc…
So Pinter’s pronounced the same as Harold Pinter the playwright (as I always suspected).
“Pinter–rhymes with ‘winter'”
Lol, thats funny, I always thought it was PINT-er, because he drinks so much….guess I was wrong!
We native English speakers aren’t even quite sure how to say all of the names, because the names tend to be unusual for our language, too.
I can make some educated guesses, but they’re still just that: guesses.
Hey, Der-shing, maybe you should make a video with all of the characters’ names being spoken, one after another! :P (It’s all right, though, we’ve survived without it so far.)
Its… So majestic! The sloppy anatomy, the ear wings, the nipple-whatsits, the TIGER STRIPED LEGGINGS! Amazing!
Any time you think you are a bad artist, just look at that, then look at these comics. Its inspiring. Time + elbow grease = great stuff. Don’t look for your talent, make it.
It actually is so inspiring, because I was looking at my own drawings afterwards.
I like Pinter’s wingy ears and goggles!
I wonder if they are going to come back to the camp and find the lady dead by another stab wound by a pointy object.
I keep thinking that leaf in the upper left corner of the last panel is Angora’s index finger. :P
Speaking of fingers, I like the visible tension in her hand in the previous panel as a prelude to her outburst.
Your bonus art was made the year I was born….The idea for this comic is as old as me… o_o
Lovely page by the way. Poor Pinter doesn’t want to end up in a war zone, and I can’t help but feel for him. I wonder how Angora is going to convince him it’s worth the risk. She does need him after all.
Haha, that’s crazy XD But also kind of nice… You’re about the age I was when I really wanted to read a comic like this, aka my ideal audience :]
Went through the entire thing in one sitting and I really hope you keep it going until the end you wish it to have, because the part that’s already there is good and it lead to an interesting future story.